The Top Five Reasons to Visit Ireland

Selfie with the Cliffs of Mohr

Usually when people think of visiting Ireland, they envision green rolling hills, stone walls, rainbows, and sheep. And while all of those things are certainly true (and part of the charm!) there is so much more to the great country that is Ireland than that.

Add Ireland To Your Travel Bucket List

Here are my top five reasons you absolutely should add Ireland to your travel bucket list.

1. The Food & Drinks

One of the best things about Ireland is the food—both traditional Irish fare as well as modern cuisine. You can’t go wrong with a classic steak and Guinness pie or fish and chips, but there are also plenty of Michelin-starred restaurants if you’re looking for something a little fancier. While in Dublin, I even ventured out to try Mexican food in Ireland. Yes, you read that right… Mexican food in Ireland. The guacamole and tostadas were top-notch at Cafe en Sein (pictured below). Don’t even get me started on Irish cheese. That might be another blog. And of course, you can’t visit Ireland without trying a pint of Guinness! (Or, if you’re not a fan of beer, there’s always Irish whiskey which I am now a fan of after a tour at Jameson.)

2. The History

From the ancient Celtic culture to the Norman invasions to British rule to independence, Ireland has a rich and complex history. One of the best parts about Ireland is that you can see evidence of that history everywhere you go—from Christ Church to the abandoned castles in the fields.

3. The Scenery

Whether you’re cruising along the Cliffs of Mohr or hiking in Killarney National Park, there’s no shortage of breathtaking scenery in Ireland. When going to the Cliffs of Mohr, we saw the cliffs from the top and from the sea. Our driver had a special key to get us through a secret gate where there were no fences to stop us. The probability of slipping off the edge of glory was high, but luckily there were no big gusts of wind that day.

Cliffs of Mohr

4. The People

One of the things that makes Ireland so special is the Irish people. They’re known for being friendly and welcoming, and they certainly live up to that reputation! You’ll quickly find yourself charmed by the lilt of their accent and their stories. Our Irish friends joked with us that if you ever find yourself in trouble when you are abroad and you see an Irish pub….it would be safer to enter the Irish pub than an embassy. The Irish always go out of the way to take care of other people (Irish or not)

5. The Culture

From music and dance to art and literature, there’s a lot to love about Irish culture. If you’re a fan of traditional music, make sure to catch a show at one of Dublin’s many lively pubs. If you are into music, Windmill Lane Recording studio is a must! We experienced an incredible VIP music experience. We saw where U2 recorded some of their most iconic albums and even got to sign our names on the iconic walls where all recording artists from Lady Gaga to Mic Jagger have signed.

An Irish Goodbye

Whether you’re looking for stunning scenery, delicious food & drink, or rich history & culture, Ireland has something for everyone. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your trip today!


Food stylist & founder of One Board Gal. Known for creative food tips and simple cheese board inspiration. I am dedicated to helping you bring a lot to the table by sharing tricks, tips, and education for your next gathering.



My name is Abbi and I am the CEO (Cheese Eating Officer) behind One Board Gal. I am a California native who ended up in the Midwest. How might you ask? Check out that story on our About Us page by clicking the picture of me above!


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